Monday, July 21, 2008

Wake Up, Little Susie!

I was reminded last night of a funny incident that happened not too long after Rex and I got married.

We share a king-sized bed, which is wonderful because it's big enough that we can pretty much have our own sleeping space without having to touch each other. I am all about that because even though I like to snuggle when I'm awake, I need my space when I'm sleeping (unless I'm freezing in the middle of winter, but that's a different story).

One night, I was sleeping rather soundly, when suddenly I felt this very warm and fuzzy thing on my neck and throat. Now I was asleep, mind you, so rational thought was not the first thing going for me. All I could think of was that there must have been a furry animal in my bed, crawling on my neck!!! YIKES!!! I immediately freaked out and began whacking the animal repeatedly to remove it from my body, and if possible, my bed. Instantly, my husband yelled, "Hey! What are you doing??" At that moment, I woke up enough to realize that I was not in fact whacking a furry animal, but instead I was pommeling my husband's head. Don't ask me how, but evidently Rex had traveled over to my side of the bed and gotten the back of his head on my neck.

I apologized profusely for the mistake and for the pommeling, and then we had a good laugh out of it. It's still a really funny memory we share. Thankfully, Rex has kept his hairy head to himself ever since then, and I haven't had to worry about any more incidents like that.

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