It would be much nicer if this post was another one of those "remember whens"--a distant memory that I could look back on and sigh, or maybe even chuckle at. But alas, this is a current post and one that pains me to write.
Yesterday I got a perm. I had debated it for weeks, yea verily months, and finally bit the bullet. Last time I got a perm, it was gorgeous! I loved it from the minute I saw it and was sorry when it grew out. It was actually a home perm, given to me by my friend Kim's mom who used to be a hairdresser (she's amazing). This time, I decided not to bother Kim's mom and thought I'd splurge a little on myself (which I never do) and get a salon perm, cut and style. I went to JKS International Salons over on Camp Bowie because they had sent me a thing in the mail saying they were running a special on perms. Even though I had never been there, nor had I ever known anyone who went there, it looked like a really good salon, and I thought, what the heck! So at 3:30 yesterday, I drove to the salon, feeling a little anxious, but mostly very excited as I anticipated my new 'do. I took with me a picture of Christina Applegate which I had found on the Internet. After lots of searching, I finally found on her the hairdo I dreamed of. I showed it to the stylist and explained to her exactly what I wanted: an easy style that was low or no maintenance; something to help dry up all the oil; something to give me more body. She used the largest rollers because I didn't want it really kinky--just soft waves.
Three hours later, I sat in the stylist chair, watching helplessly as she "finished" my coiffure. To say that I was disappointed would have been a huge understatement. I actually wanted to cry. It looks very . . . well . . . poodle-ish, and also a bit frizzy. It doesn't look anything like Christina Applegate, and really, it's not at all what I wanted. I haven't been able to wash it just yet, so I don't know how it will look after I wash and fix it myself, but I haven't been able to do ANYTHING with it the way it is. The girl said not to wash it for 3 days, but I don't think I can wait that long. For one thing, it looks HIDEOUS. I haven't been able to even make it look decent (and it's too short now for a pony tail). For another thing, I picked up my baby boy today to hug and love on him and he said, "Mommy, hair STINKS." I laughed, but unfortunately it is so true. I woke up a thousand times last night smelling it. Plus, my scalp itches, and my hair just feels gross. I looked on the Internet and it said you could wash your hair 24 hours after a perm, so I figure I'll go with that.
I had been so excited to get my hair cut and permed and styled, and now I'm just really bummed out. Maybe it will get better really soon. I sure hope so. Otherwise I may invest in a closetful of hats, or perhaps I could do the whole Sinead O'Connor thing . . .
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