I'll interrupt all the reminiscing and silly stories to bring you an actual current blog post, partially because I haven't done one in awhile, and partially because I couldn't think of another story right away. Rex and I thought of several the other night, but I didn't write them down and now I can't remember what they were. Story of my (forgetful) life.
So, I have been eBaying these last couple of weeks like CRAZY. I went to the VF Factory Outlet in Mineral Wells a couple of weeks ago and bought a ton of backpacks to sell--over $1000.00 worth. That's the most I've ever bought at one time. I scared myself a little. Rex was all proud of me because he's always trying to get me to buy more stuff. His theory is that the more I buy, the more I sell. That is true, and the main basis for my large purchase this time. However, I hate to have a garage full of backpacks that I can't get rid of, and that's my biggest fear when it comes to buying stuff. I can take what I don't sell back to the store, but I hate to have to take an entire carload of things and return them. And don't you know they would hate to see me coming. But hopefully, I'll sell every one of them and not have to worry about returning anything. I sold 20 packs last week, and I've already sold 2 this week. The closer we get to the start of school, the more I should sell, and the higher the prices will be (hopefully). That's how it's been in the past, anyway.
I also found some strollers at Big Lots that I've sold before and made some good money on. I bought 5 of them and have listed them this week also, along with a few odds and ends that I had in my inventory. I spent all day yesterday working--shopping, packaging items, shipping them, and listing more. I have 44 items listed right now, and many of those are multiples, so I'm looking forward to having a good profit week. I may return to the outlet mall on the weekend to exchange some of the packs that aren't selling for styles that are. I'll just have to see how things are going at that time.
I found a precious few items in my LTD catalog that I may try to buy and sell. In the past, they have always had a ton of really great Christmas items that I have bought and made some good money on. Last year, pickin's were slimmer, but this year is the worst I've seen. They didn't have that much Christmas stuff at all, and nothing much I felt I could use. There are some other things that I'm hoping will do well. One thing about catalog orders--you can't really return those items unless you have a good reason and then you have to pay the return shipping, which isn't worth it. So, I'm very hesitant about the things I order from them. There have been a few times when I've gotten stuck with some things, and I hate that.
Well, at this point I'm really procrastinating because I don't want to go in and fix dinner. I'm not sure what we're even having yet, which is not a good thing considering it's already 4:45pm. I have several new recipes I've been wanting to try, and some great old standbys too, but I just don't know what I'm in the mood to make or eat. I sure wish I enjoyed cooking. It would make that part of things so much nicer. Instead, I endure it. Oh well, at least I do cook. Lots of women who hate to cook just don't ever do it. I need to remind my husband of that.
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