Saturday, June 28, 2008

Can we say DUH!!!!!!!!

OK. It's official. I'm a moron.

We have some friends who got married today. We've been planning to go to their wedding since day one. We also have some friends who are getting married in August. Well, long story short, we got dressed up, got Nathan all dolled up, and took off for the wedding this afternoon . . . but we went to the WRONG CHURCH!!! We went to the church where the wedding in August will be. We both just KNEW the wedding today was at that church. We knew it so well that we didn't bother even looking at the invitation. And, we didn't bother bringing the invitation with us either, because we both knew exactly where we were going. We tried texting and calling a couple of people who we knew were going, to ask them where it was, but couldn't reach anyone. By then it was about ten minutes until the wedding was going to start and we knew there was no way we could make it in time, particularly since we had no idea where to go. All we could do was just go home and write it off as a moronic blunder.

So, we drove home feeling defeated and really stupid, and changed out of our wedding attire into something much more comfortable. I put Nathan down for a nap and ran to the grocery store to get a couple of items we needed for dinner tonight. It wasn't how we had planned to spend the afternoon, but it all worked out, I suppose. We'll have to apologize to the now-married couple for missing their nuptials. I'm really bummed about that.

Well, I'm going to go get ready for bed now. More later!

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